A Little Blue Dot: Q&A with creator Maren Hasenjäger
A Little Blue Dot: Q&A with creator Maren Hasenjäger
Choose Your Mood Board Books: Q&A with illustrator Teresa Bellón
Teresa Bellón tells Mama Makes Books about illustrating Happy as a Lamb and Brave as a Lion
Start Small, Think Big: Q&A with author Mary Auld
Author Mary tells Mama Makes Books about the inspiration for our new life cycle picture book series Start Small, Think Big
Start Small, Think Big - Little, Brown Nut: Q&A with illustrator Dawn Cooper
Illustrator Dawn tells Mama Makes Books about the inspiration for the artwork for Little, Brown Nut.
Start Small, Think Big – Small, Speckled Egg: Q&A with illustrator Anna Terreros-Martin
Illustrator Anna tells Mama Makes Books about the inspiration for the artwork in Small, Speckled Egg
Celebrating the joy of maths: a blog post by Chris Smith for Books for Topics
A guest blog post by That’s Mathematics author Chris Smith for Books for Topics - about how the book came to be and how he hopes it will inspire children.
Gadgeteers Summer Reading Challenge 2022
With exclusive incentives to collect and plenty of brilliant books to enjoy, including The Most Important Animal of All, the Challenge is the perfect summer activity to build young readers’ skills and confidence during the long break from school. Available in libraries across the UK and online…
Behind the scenes: Printing a SKY VIP edition
A behind-the-scenes look at the UK printing of Sky VIP’s special edition of The Most Important Animal of All, available as a FREE giveaway to members on the SKY App.
The Great Science Share Debate 2022
A truly remarkable thing happened on 14th June 2022 - over 160 children from eight local primaries came together to debate which is the most important animal of all, bringing the book to life. They joined 300,000+ from all over the UK and the wider world to share their science with others at part of the Great Science Share for Schools.
Going Carbon Neutral by Amy Allen
As a graduate who specialised in sustainability in the fashion industry, Mama Makes Books asked me what measures they should take to start their business off on the right carbon footing, Here’s what I learned…
Q and A: An interview in The Niche, the BES members magazine
What motivated you to write The Most Important Animal of All?
After reading about Earthwatch’s ‘Irreplaceable’ debate at the Royal Geographical Society…
Babies need books
Giving the right book to your baby at the right time will turn them into a book lover, and this is proven to give them an advantage at school and in life.
What is most important for kids’ happiness and health in adulthood? One of FIVE BIG QUESTIONS.
For the past nine years, The Royal Foundation has been focused on early childhood, looking at how influences and experiences in the first few years of a child’s life go on to shape his or her future. Here are their findings…
Why tummy time is good for your baby
What is tummy time? Why is important for your baby, what are the benefits and how do you do it? Here are the answers and ways to make it enjoyable…
What your baby can see
It is a common myth that newborn babies can only see in black and white. Scientists have proven they can see bright, saturated colours. Learn more about your baby’s vision and what they are hard-wired to respond to.